Rio Grande Region
Education & Rating Opportunities

SUNDAY, MAY 5 -2024
USPC Rio Grande Region
Standards & Certification Clinic
Led by National Examiner | Debra Sue Waters
The aim is to be consistent across our region examining the lower level ratings and prepare our members to be successful in National ratings. The S&C clinic demonstrates the rising skills required for the D-1 through the C-2 standards of proficiency. The presentation is geared towards instructors who teach Pony Club, leadership, members, and parents. Additionally, anyone who would like to be considered on the Local Level Examiners list. You will learn the difference between a D-2 and D-3 rider. You will learn the Basic Balanced Position. You will learn what riding skills set a C-2 apart from the lower levels. Tips on how to conduct a test will also be included.
Prepare by reviews the SOPs and bring printed copies with you.
The morning will consist of a power point presentation and discussion of riding position and effectiveness of aids at each level followed by a lunch break and the afternoon will have demonstration riders that will be evaluated by the participants. Hopefully! We will have demo riders from the dressage clinic and some of them jump... so we will need 2-3 demo riders at each level.
Rolling Ridge Stables 16016 Decker Lake Rd Manor, TX 78653 512-276-7787
Marsha | 512-789-0490